
            Student Information

Sexual Harassment Policy
The seminary prohibits any form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination and is prohibited by federal laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972. Any practices inconsistent with this policy should be reported in writing to the Title IX coordinator.

Students are encouraged to ask questions. Common courtesy dictates that a student should put his or her questions in writing to submit to the faculty mentor. Usually, the faculty mentor’s response will need to be accepted (even if the response is in conflict with the student’s stand). Though continuing dialogue is a part of the educational program, the student is encouraged to utilize the faculty mentor as a senior mentor assisting the student to develop fuller understanding, knowledge and wisdom.

Student Handbook
The Greater Love School of Ministry Student Handbook/Catalog outlines the special and unique relationship between the student, local mentor, and College administration. It is valuable reading because it offers guidance on how to succeed in distance learning, and other tips, policies, and suggestions that smooth and strengthen participation in the program. The student handbook information is included int this catalog.

Agreement with The Student Policy and Statement of Beliefs
Each student will be required to sign a statement of agreement on the application form indicating that they have read the section of the catalog entitled “Student Code of Conduct,” the statement of beliefs, and that the student is in full agreement.

Transcripts are issued at a charge of $10.00. Official transcripts are only issued directly to other institutions upon request. Transcripts will not be issued for a student who has failed to meet all of his financial obligations. It normally takes 4-6 weeks to process a transcript. All requests must be made in writing.

Non-Discrimination Policy (Title IX)
Greater Love School of Ministry subscribes to the principles and laws of the State and the federal government pertaining to civil rights and equal opportunity, including Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972. Greater Love School of Ministry policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, color, national or ethnic origin, marital status, or handicap in recruitment and admission of students, scholarship and loan programs, and in the operation of all college-administered programs, activities, and services.

The seminary has designated the chairman of the board of regents as the Title IX coordinator.

Evidence of practices inconsistent with the seminaries non-discrimination policy should be reported in writing to the Title IX coordinator who will evaluate the inconsistencies and take appropriate action. Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the resolution of the matter as determined by the Title IX coordinator, the complainant may submit a written report to the president of the seminary. The decision of the president in the matter shall be final.

For correspondence courses there is not an attendance policy. For the seminars, students are required to attend all sessions, unless prior approval is granted by the Academic Dean. See the Student Code of Conduct.

Drop Out
Students who do not intend to complete their degree program are required to complete a withdrawal form and submit it to the Academic Dean.

Leave of Absence
Students who are not able to maintain minimum normal progress toward a degree (two courses a year undergraduate, one course a year graduate), are required to request a leave of absence from the Dean. A leave of absence is normally valid for one year, however it may be extended for a second year at the discretion of the Dean.

The School of Ministry has the right to terminate a student’s enrollment on the following grounds:
1. Failing grades in more than 25% of assignments
2. Financial delinquency
3. Conduct that is inconsistent with the philosophy and goals of the School of Ministry. Every effort will be made to resolve the problem before termination of a student’s enrollment takes effect