Student Code of Conduct
Students are expected to attend all the classes for the subject(s) in which they are enrolled. Attendance in distance education constitutes successful completion of assignments in allotted time frames, consistent communication with professors and classmates, and good standing with the finance department.
Unexcused absence from more than 30% of the classes for a subject will result in forfeiture of all credits for that subject. An exception to the 70% rule may be made if the absences are due to acceptable reasons, and if the student is able to satisfy the requirements for that subject (e.g., by completing additional assignments and/or field work). Granting or refusing this privilege will be at the faculty mentor’s discretion.
The College Administrator or Director, Student Services will counsel students failing to maintain satisfactory attendance, and an attempt will be made to solve the problem. Continued unsatisfactory attendance will be sufficient grounds for dismissal. Re-admission may be permitted if the student can show the Dean that the problem has been overcome. For external study students, unless the mentor has assigned a specific residency requirement, no specific attendance requirements exist. However, personal discipline in daily study is essential.
Worship - Each student is expected to be active in a worshipping community. It is through church life that issues of character change are to be faced and practical learning is to occur. Each student should maintain a journal of his or her church experience and Christian service.
Assignments - Various assignments will be given to students, depending on the course in which the student is enrolled. Assignments may take the form of essays, questions to be answered, multiple-choice tests, field work, local church activities, etc. These will be delineated by the course syllabi and faculty mentor relationship. Some assignments may be mandatory. Failure to complete satisfactorily any of those assignments may forfeit all credits for that particular subject. Other assignments may be optional, or may affect only a stated percentage of the grade. A response will be mailed or e-mailed to the student upon receipt of all assignments within 3-5 business days.
Personal or Financial Difficulties - If a student comes into personal or financial difficulty, or if a problem develops concerning policies, procedures or other aspects of the College, the student should consult with his/her faculty mentor immediately. Problems should not be allowed to grow until they become insurmountable. The faculty mentor should be consulted, especially if the student is contemplating leaving the College. The College staff is ready and anxious to do everything possible to insure that students succeed in their preparation for the ministry.
Dismissal - The student may be recommended for dismissal in the event of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, remaining in severe financial delinquency in violation of the Enrollment Agreement, or failing to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress. In the event of a recommended dismissal, the student should follow the Student Rights for purposes of appeal.
Differences - Students are not expected to agree with everything that will be taught within the various courses. Students are, however, expected to treat the views of the faculty members and fellow students with respect. If a disagreement arises about something that is being taught, the student should listen as openly as possible, giving due attention to anything that the Holy Spirit may be saying.
The student should not expect the Holy Spirit to speak to everyone in the same way, or lead everyone in the same direction. The Holy Spirit has a multifaceted plan to suit the extraordinary diversity that exists in the Church. There is much that one can learn from others.
In assignments, the student will be free to express his or her own views, but at other times will be required to show an understanding of alternate view points and be able to express that differing opinion, even if it conflicts with the student’s personal beliefs. It is important for the student to follow the instructions at all times in the preparation of assignments.