Educating people who are interested in Empowering themselves to do Ministry on a greater level and to serve their church and community with confidence and knowledge to mirror their Conviction.
It is the purpose of Greater Love School of Ministry and Leadership Institute Inc to contribute to the development of our students in the areas of Christian character, academic skills, subject mastery, Biblical understanding, and practical wisdom. We believe that Christian character and practical wisdom are best achieved through a cooperative effort with the local church. Academic skills and subject mastery are accomplished through clear explanation and responsive repetition, such as that found in our workbooks. There is no beneficial understanding apart from a Biblical understanding (Eph. 4:17-24). Our entire curriculum is written from a Biblical viewpoint. We firmly believe that conclusions about life and reality must be based on the Word of God above all other experience and research. We believe study methods should be individualized (You study to show thyself approved...), and if at all possible, directed by the Pastor/Teacher (II Tim 2:15; 2). We believe the product of higher education should be a Christian servant, skilled in the Word of God, trained in an area of service, and able to effectively use his education to the glory of God.
1. Distant Learning/External Programs — permits flexibility in your schedule; allowing you to continue your education without interrupting your present responsibilities. External programs are designed for the mature person whose responsibilities will not permit full-time on-campus study.
2. Helps you to be more effective— in the Lord’s work by giving you more than head knowledge instead equipping you with knowledge and purpose.
3. This ministry makes a Christian education affordable —No student loans or grants are required to get your degree!
4. Measurable progress is seen— as you study only God’s truth. A three-credit course may be completed every 2-4 weeks. Human reasoning’s outside the truth of the Bible are not taught here.
5. Credit for college-level life and ministry experience is available at the Bachelor degree level.
6. Our program is tailored to meet your individual needs—Advisors are available to personally assist and guide you toward your goals in Christian service.
7. The student is given step-by-step, achievable objectives— leading toward a well-rounded and relevant study of the Bible applied to our lives in today’s world.
8. Students from other schools may transfer in and finish their degrees…or earn advanced degrees.
9. Each Greater Love School of Ministry course promotes spiritual growth, builds character, strengthens your home and church, and offers preparation for a Christian ministry.